Understanding How the Web Works
with Bruce Lucas
For Newbies, Web Developers & Enthusiast

The internet as you know it (or maybe not) gave birth to a lot of innovations. One of which is the World Wide Web.


In less than an hour, Bruce Lucas takes you through a journey on how the Web Works in a video tutorial.


This will enable you to appreciate the science and art behind what powers a lot of innovative and disruptive startups and solutions today.



About Olotu Square

We are a technology innovation hub interested in the chain of youth capacity building in business and  innovative technologies to achieve employability/entrepreneurship particularly in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria.

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About Bruce Lucas

I am Bruce Lucas, the founder of Olotu Square. I am also the CTO of GeroCare and a key stakeholder in the Tech Ecosystem in Port Harcourt.

Plus I have over 18 years of experience building IT systems and solutions. I really can't exhaust the list here. Looking forward to having you!

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